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    This Subscription Service Will Give You Access To All Of Your Fave Disney Movies On DVD

    You can get four movies for $1 when you join the Disney Movie Club.

    So, you love The Avengers? You're obsessed with Toy Story? You know every single song from Moana? Well, it's probably high time you joined the Disney Movie Club.

    Unlike streaming services, Disney Movie Club will actually send you real, physical copies (DVD or Blu-Ray) of your fave flicks from the House of Mouse. That includes Disney classics, Pixar, Marvel, 20th Century Studios, AND Star Wars movies.

    The Disney Movie Club catalog

    They'll send you the most anticipated Disney movie of the month every four weeks(ish) and an optional exclusive lithograph (~fancy~). If you aren't interested in their selection, you'll have the option to choose a different film or skip the month entirely — great for people with subscription commitment issues, like myself.

    How does it work, you ask? It's as simple as choosing four of your favourite animated and live-action Disney movies. They only cost $1 (yes, you heard me, a single LOONIE). And, they'll be delivered straight to your door for free.

    As a Disney Movie Club member you'll also get access to major sales (who doesn't love a discount?) and the opportunity to get your hands on exclusive Disney merchandise and free gifts.

    After you've purchased your first five movies, you'll become a Disney Movie Club VIP, which means you'll get more even more discounts, and end up with a pretty sweet movie collection, too.

    The movie poster for Shang-Chi

    TL;DR: If you're obsessed with Disney and are tired of streaming services deleting your favourite flicks, it's probably time to sign up for Disney Movie Club.

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