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    21 Genius Products That'll Keep You On Good Terms With Your Landlord

    A bunch of renter-friendly stuff that'll save you the hassle of arguing with your landlord.

    1. A mini drain snake so you can release clogs quickly and efficiently, saving your landlord from an expensive plumbing bill that you would surely hear about. It has a long, adjustable arm that'll help you locate and remove the source of your problems with ease.

    A person holding a coiled mini drain snake in front of a sink

    2. A pack of adhesive door bumpers that'll muffle the sound and impact of slamming drawers and doors. They can also be used as feet on appliances to protect the countertops and floors of your rental unit.

    A door bumper protecting a wall from a cabinet door

    3. A pack of classic Command strips that you can use to hang artwork on your walls without drilling any holes. Reviewers love that they work on almost any surface and say they don't rip off paint when they remove them, so you won't have to do any patching jobs.

    A person putting a Command strip on the back of a frame

    4. A roll of peel-and-stick wallpaper that you can use to line your drawers, update your furniture, or cover up a bad paint job. It's waaaay easier to work with than regular wallpaper and won't leave behind any residue.

    A person applying the wallpaper to their wall

    5. Or a pack of botanical wall decals that'll give you the freedom to create your own design. Reviewers love how easy it is to reposition them, so they can constantly switch things up.

    The decals on a wall behind a console table with decor bits and bobs on top

    6. A doggy draft stopper that'll block hot or cold air (depending on the time of year) from escaping your room so you won't have to crank your heater or air conditioner. It'll keep your space at the perfect temp and it'll probably save you some serious $$$ on your hydro bill (which is great, if your landlord is the one paying it).

    The draft stopper at the base of a door

    7. A roll of caulk strip tape that's a lot less messy to work with than silicone sealants. Because it's waterproof and mouldproof, you won't need to worry about grossness building up under or around it.

    A person cutting a piece of caulk tape

    8. A pack of furniture-protecting socks that'll save your rental's floors from getting scuffed. They also help reduce noise, so your downstairs neighbours won't hate you if you decide to do a bit of redecorating in the middle of the night.

    9. A pack of backsplash stickers that'll give your bathroom walls or kitchen backsplash a total makeover. As an added bonus, they won't get messed up when you're kicking back in the tub or cooking at high temps (they're both waterproof and heat-resistant).

    The backsplash on a kitchen wall

    10. A pack of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sheets that'll help you swipe away stains with ease, so your landlord won't ask you to paint when you move out. They're more flexible than the OG Magic Eraser, meaning you can get them into hard-to-reach places.

    11. A pack of patterned drawer liners that'll make your cupboards and drawers look fancy as heck (and save them from getting scratched up). Their fresh linen scent will also keep your home smelling great.

    Two drawers lined with patterned drawer liners

    12. A genius door doodad that'll prop your washing machine open enough to let air circulate, so mould and mildew can't build up inside your washer's rubber gasket. Since it has a magnetic base, you won't have to mess with the machine to install it.

    13. And, speaking of magnetic stuff, this organization rack that'll cling to the door of your fridge and give you some extra shelf space. It has room for jars, paper tower, cleaning supplies, and more.

    The rack on a fridge

    14. A roll of glue-free window privacy covering that'll block out harmful UV rays and keep your nosy neighbours from peeping into your home. It's translucent enough to let the light in, so you won't be stuck living under the cover of darkness at all times.

    A window decorated with privacy covering

    15. A roll of adhesive felt tape that you can cut to fit under flower pots, furniture legs, and anything else that could use a bit of padding. Reviewers love how they can trim it to fit their needs and say it saves them from scratching up their floors.

    A circle of adhesive felt tape underneath a vase

    16. A bottle of Goo Gone that'll make gluey and gooey messes *poof* disappear. From crayon to paint to tar, there's pretty much nothing this stuff can't tackle.

    Alice holding up a bottle of Goo Gone in her shower

    17. A pair of mini adhesive shelves that you can display your doodads and decorations on. They have ultra-sticky Command strips on their backs, making them a breeze to install and remove.

    Two Command shelves holding potted plants

    18. A wire basket that'll clip right to the bottom of your shelves, giving you more pantry space without the need for extra shelves. You could also pop 'em in your closet to store socks, undies, and smaller accessories.

    The basket with food in it

    19. A set of handy push hooks that'll make your hand and dish towels easier to store (and grab). You won't even need to bust out a screwdriver to put them in place — they have peel-and-stick backings, so you can just press 'em on and get on with your day.

    20. A silicone toiletry organizer to store all your smaller tools (it even has space for a backup razor blade if your rental's shower doesn't have shelves!). It'll grip to shiny surfaces like tiles and mirrors, but doesn't use any adhesive. Basically, it's magic.

    A person putting a razor onto the tool organizer

    21. And finally, a handy-dandy budget planner where you can jot down and organize your expenses by category, so you're never strapped for cash when rent day rolls around. It will also help you see the financial impact of day-to-day spending and help you plan for the future.

    A flatlay of a person using the budget planner

    Your landlord appreciating just how awesome you and your roommates are:

    Looking for more great 🇨🇦Canadian🇨🇦 shopping content? Check out our recommendations for awesome birthday gifts, back-to-school goodies, and products for anyone who lives with roommates.