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TOP 10 Lego Marvel X-Men Knockoff Minifigures

TOP 10 Lego Marvel X-men not official minifigures: 1. Apocalypse 2. Wolverine 3. Magneto 4. Sabretooth 5. Cable 6. Professor X 7. Angel 8. Quicksilver 9. Bishop 10. Mystique

alexsplanet 7 years ago

Homer Simpson At GYM

Here is a short high quality and super smooth stop motion animation made of Lego about Homer Simpson's visit to GYM.

alexsplanet 8 years ago

Lego War For The Lego City

Here is a story when Lego minifigures Star Wars Clone Troopers, Sausage Men and Iron Man came to Life in my Room. After that they started to fight for the city. Here is a battle between Iron Man and Star Wars Troopers. Who do you think will win in the Lego Battle? Watch this short Lego Movie and Enjoy.

alexsplanet 9 years ago

The top 5 Lego Modular Sets

Here is a rating of the best Lego Modular Sets of all the times.

alexsplanet 9 years ago

Best Lego Simpsons House Build Video

Here is a Stop Motion Animation of Building Lego Simpsons House. More than two weeks of work and more than 2000 pictures.

alexsplanet 9 years ago

Toy Gymkhana

This is a stop motion animation made of 400 pics. There two hand made Formula 1 models and Lego crane.

alexsplanet 9 years ago