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What Questions About The News Are You Too Afraid To Ask?

We're here to help you out.

Look, we know the last year was a lot.

We're here to help you out.

We're working on an exciting new project to help you make more sense of the news. All we need from you is the answer to one simple question:

What questions do you have about the news?

Maybe it's a topic that's completely foreign to you ("What's going on in Syria?"). Maybe it's a public figure's name you keep hearing over and over again ("Who is Stephen Miller again?"). Maybe it's something you feel like you should know by now — but never got around to understanding ("Please explain to me once and for all: What is net neutrality?").

Submit your questions via the dropbox below. Bonus points if you submit an audio clip here!

Make sure to include your name and city, and an email address in case we want to get in touch with you.

No topic is too basic. This is a judgement-free zone!

(FYI: The best submissions will be featured in a future BuzzFeed post, video, or podcast!)