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    13 Essential Moments From Cara Delevingne's New Commercial For A Japanese Fashion Website

    Model of the moment Delevingne fronts a dance-heavy ad for Japanese e-tailer La Boo. Marvel at her best moves.

    1. First she's dancing in bed. We've all been there.

    2. And taking out some latent, dance-induced aggression on some unsuspecting soft toy.

    3. More #plushieaggression. This needs to stop. Won't someone think of the plushies?


    5. And then some hairdryer/wind machine glamour.

    6. Hairdryer glam take #2

    7. And then some funny/campy dancing.

    8. Chicken dancing! (aka funny dancing take #2)

    9. I don't know what this is about.

    10. But this is definitely Cara's take on classic '90s raver dance move "the box," aka "the shelf stacker."

    11. O_O

    12. Obligatory toy horse moment.

    13. And a g'bye in the form of airy kisses.

    Enjoy the commercial in full over on YouTube.