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    All The Preppiest Preps At The Henley Royal Regatta

    Thirty-four photos of posh British people having some jolly good old fun on the Thames. With bonus buff rowers.

    1. The Henley Royal Regatta remains a summer social staple for upper class Brits. Any excuse to put on a big hat and eat egg-and-cress sandwiches, after all.

    2. It's a nonstop cavalcade of prepsters' finery. Chambermaids and/or butlers will have been sacked for failing to press guests' dress slacks just right.

    3. And more striped blazers than you'd ever thought possible.

    4. This eye-catching pink and white stripe denotes students at the Abingdon School, a public all-boys school in Oxfordshire.

    Fun fact: Toby Jones (aka Claudius Templesmith in The Hunger Games) is an old Abigdonian.

    5. Anyway, here are some preppy old folk on a boat.

    6. And here are some more preppy old people on a boat, with champagne and — hopefully — some nice sandwiches with the crusts cut off.

    7. This man's sideburns are exquisitely prep.

    8. And so is this man's mustache, tie, cap — everything really.

    9. Here's another photo of Eugster. You can tell he means business because he's wearing a fleecy scarf during the height of British summertime.

    10. And here's another delightful rowing team lifting up their cox, post-race.

    11. Also, do you think these teams get together and co-ordinate their pants beforehand, maybe via text?

    12. Top left in this photo: a quarter of prepsters in salmon pink shirts and black bow ties.

    13. Speaking of: These preppy old folks are taking a nap.

    14. Now for some preppy variations on a salmon pink theme: the blazer.

    15. The pants.

    16. And some bright salmon pink socks.

    17. Here are some old boys in their collegiate blazers.

    18. This red, white, and blue ensemble comes thanks to an alum of Oxford's Magdalen College.

    19. This old boy's from Kings College in Cambridge. He has a tie pin. What say you, Oxford folks?

    20. And this old boy from a not-specified public school but that's OK because look at his cap. That is definitely part of a public school's uniform.

    21. This preppy lady has a nice fan, but no lady-in-waiting to wave it for her. Nice hat, though.

    22. OK, no, wait. THIS is a preppy hat that means business. It also means the folks sat behind this lady are screwed.

    23. Harvard's rowing team were there, because.

    24. Look at this prepster's watch chain. Sartorial artistry, I'm telling you.

    25. And here's some more "classic rowing attire."

    26. "Classic rowing attire," part 2. This old chap loses points if he's chugging a pint of beer.

    27. Now this may come as a shock, but these prepsters are Italian.

    28. This preppy kid second from the left with no socks on: You can't really tell because of his sunglasses, but he's shocked.

    29. Or even the Aussies. You won't believe it, you really won't, but this dapper preppy gentleman is from Melbourne, Australia.

    30. And this rowdy bunch of prepsters are probably jeering at some foreigners.

    31. Preppy hats, hats, and more hats.

    32. Still hats.

    33. This fluffy rabbit is apparently a well-known rowing emblem.

    34. These high-heeled shoes, however, are certainly not preppy.