Here's Why Olivia Rodrigo Almost Changed One Of The Lyrics In "Vampire"

    "Some people said...'You can’t really say stuff like that in songs if it’s not relatable.'"

    Olivia Rodrigo almost changed one of the lyrics in "Vampire" — but the song wouldn't have been the same without it.

    A closeup of Olivia

    While looking back on the writing process, Olivia recently explained that people told her the line "fame f**ker" wasn't relatable.

    A closeup of Olivia

    "It was actually a debate whether or not 'fame f**ker' should be in the song," Olivia shared on The Julia Show.

    She continued, "Some people said, 'It kind of isolates you from people, you can’t really say stuff like that in songs if it’s not relatable,' yada, yada, yada."

    A closeup of Olivia

    While Olivia says she "totally" got it and "saw where they were coming from," she fought for the line to be included.

    "I think the song isn’t about fame fucking or whatever. I think it’s more about someone being manipulative and sucking you dry, using you for all your worth," she explained.

    A closeup of Olivia

    "I think that that’s a universal theme, and I also think fame is more easily accessible now than it has ever been," she continued. "It’s not just people in LA and Hollywood that have to deal with that."

    A closeup of Olivia

    Although Olivia did get to keep the line in the song, she did have to take it out for the clean version — and came up with some great alternatives.

    In a TikTok, Olivia played around with phrases like "fame hunter" and "fame lover" as well as some more humorous options like "whale blubber," "garlic butter" and "Mark Zucker."

    Ultimately, she chose to go with "dream crusher" for the radio friendly version.

    A closeup of Olivia

    You can watch the entire "Vampire" music video below.

    View this video on YouTube

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