Here's What "Love Is Blind" Stars Nick And Danielle Say Could Have Saved Their Marriage

    "Doing that in the public eye was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life."

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    Love Is Blind stars Danielle Ruhl and Nick Thompson filed for divorce last summer — but they believe they might have been able to save their marriage.

    A closeup of Nick and Danielle

    While looking back on their relationship on Nick's Eyes Wide Open podcast, the former couple says that things fell apart as soon as the cameras stopped rolling.

    Danielle and Nick shared that when Netflix production disappeared shortly after their wedding ceremony, they were alone without support.

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    Nick went on to explain that after living their lives together solely through "manufactured situations" for television, they were left to fend for themselves with "no idea how to navigate" life together.

    A closeup of Nick and Danielle

    "I was lost with you, I was lost with myself, I was lost with everything," Danielle admitted, adding that the show's interviews had left her feeling that she didn't deserve Nick.

    Nick added, "I really do think...sometimes I think things might have been different if we had some support, and we weren't in such a hostile environment."

    Danielle agreed, admitting that at the time, she was "at the worst possible mental space" she'd ever been in.

    A closeup of Danielle

    "I didn't know how to deal with myself, let alone expect someone else to like know how to navigate that with me and same with you," Danielle said.

    "Neither of us, separate or together, should have been in that environment where we weren't supported," Nick noted, adding things felt "next to impossible at times."

    "We had turbulence but also the best times in the world. I've said this before, I've never had more fun in my life with anyone than I have with you," Nick shared with Danielle.

    He continued, "We tried so hard to, like, duplicate the things that worked for us and eliminate the things that don't. But without guidance...that's too short of a time. It takes months sometimes for people to even go into a relationship, let alone be married."

    On top of that, once the show started airing, the couple had to deal with an enormous amount of judgment from the public and had "no support" navigating their lives as public figures.

    The pair ended up filing for divorce in August 2022 — and it hit the media so quickly that they didn't even have time to tell some of their family.

    "Doing that in the public eye was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life, and I'm still reeling from it to this day," Nick said. "That day was one of the worst days of my entire life."

    Although the couple has recently sparked reconciliation rumors, it appears they're just friends for now — even though they say they still love each other.

    "We're gonna be connected forever, whether we decide we wanna be or not," Nick concluded.

    You can hear all that Nick and Danielle had to say below.

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    Eyes Wide Open with Nick Thompson / Via
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