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Mandy Moore Is Reaching Out To Fans After Her 2-Year-Old Son Was Diagnosed With Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome

"We went to the urgent care. Pediatrician. Dermatologist. Pediatric dermatologist."

Mandy Moore has spent the past week trying to figure out her 2-year-old son's medical mystery.

A closeup of Mandy

The This Is Us actor just recounted the experience on her Instagram stories, explaining that it all started when Gus woke up with an itchy rash all over his legs.

"This sweet boy woke up with a crazy rash on Saturday am. We thought maybe an [eczema] flare? Poison oak? Allergy," Mandy wrote.

A picture of Mandy's son in a doctor's office

After spending some time trying to deduce what it could be, Mandy took Gus to urgent care — and then was referred to several other doctors.

A closeup of Mandy

It took trips to a pediatrician, a dermatologist, and then a pediatric dermatologist to finally get Gus diagnosed with Gianotti-Crosti syndrome.

A closeup of Mandy

"Turns out it's a viral childhood rash that just spontaneously appears called Gianotti-Crosti syndrome," she wrote. "It sometimes accompanies a cold but not in Gus's case."

A closeup of a red rash all over a child's legs

She continued, "It's all over his legs and feet (ouch) and the backs of his arms but nowhere else."

A closeup of Mandy

According to WebMD, Gianotti-Crosti syndrome is "very common" and mostly affects young children. Thankfully, it "doesn't have lasting effects, but it can be alarming when it appears on your child's skin."

A closeup of Mandy

Unfortunately, Mandy says there's not much that can be done to treat it besides a "steroid cream and Benadryl at night."

Mandy added that it "could last 6–8 weeks" and asked fans if they could give her any further advice.

A closeup of Mandy

"All of that to say, this parenting thing is weird and hard, and sometimes you feel so helpless (and yes I'm ever so grateful it's only an itchy skin condition)," she wrote. "Kids are resilient and as long as he's smiling through it, we are a-okay."

A picture of Mandy's son on a swing

So glad to hear Mandy figured it all out, and hopefully, Gus is feeling better soon!