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Colin Jost Made A Controversial Joke About The World Cup In Qatar During "Weekend Update," And Some People Think He Made A Really Good Point

The Morocco team made history when they advanced to the semifinal stage over the weekend.

The World Cup reached the quarterfinals over the weekend, and what Colin Jost had to say about it earned some boos from the Saturday Night Live audience.

A close-up of Colin wearing a bow tie

During the show's "Weekend Update" segment, Colin congratulated Morocco on their victory over Portugal in the quarterfinals.

Colin sits at the Weekend Update desk

Morocco's win made history as they became the only African nation ever to advance to the semifinal stage in the World Cup.

The Moroccan team celebrates

But what Colin said during the segment next had the audience groaning.

A close-up of Colin

"As you guys saw today, Morocco beat Portugal in the quarterfinals of the World Cup," he said. "It is, uh, the best World Cup performance by a team of Africans since the unpaid workers who built the stadiums."

Colin at the Weekend Update desk with "Morocco wins" headline

But despite the audience's negative reaction to the joke, Colin was actually kind of right.

A close-up of Colin smiling on a talk show

Last year, the Guardian reported that more than 6,500 migrant workers have died in Qatar since it won the right to host the World Cup 10 years ago.

A look at the World Cup opening ceremony

Which means that there were even more workers on site building World Cup–related projects over the past decade.

The stadium from the outside

World Cup laborers have hailed from around the world, including Africa, although the migrant workers in the report were from India, Nepal, Pakistan, and other South Asian countries.

Workers sitting outside the venue under construction

So while the audience may not have totally agreed with Colin's joke, he did actually make a pretty good point.

You can watch the entire "Weekend Update" segment below:

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Saturday Night Live / Via youtube.com