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    11 Thoughts You Have While Job-Hunting

    Please someone hire me.

    1. Do you need a degree to become a ______?

    2. Cover letters and application packs are the 10th circle of hell

    3. I saw ‘Amelie’ once so can I put ‘foreign film buff’ in the interests section of my CV?

    4. Should I even be going for these kind of jobs?

    5. What if I’m just never able to get another job ever again?

    6. Who are these 7 other people they are interviewing as well as me?

    7. How do I get experience if no one will hire me?

    8. How do I get a stylish, comfortable, elegant yet flattering interview outfit that says, ‘oh yeah she’s got her life together’ but also costs no more than £1.75?

    9. Please no one ask me how the job search is going

    10. Can I end each interview with getting on my knees and begging or is that too desp?

    11. And how long should I give it before I pitch up to Trafalgar Square with a sign like this guy?

    Good luck with the job search! I’m off to move to the depths of the woods and live off the land.