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    10 Rules to live by in the ‘Mistake on the Lake’

    A how-to guide of living in Cleveland, Ohio

    1.Never refer to Jacob’s Field as Progressive Field

    2. Never let anyone forget that the Cavaliers won the NBA Championship, or that it was the highlight of your life…and your parent's lives…and your grandparent's lives…

    3. It's pop...not soda

    4. Mitchell's ice cream comes before all others

    5. You don't give a damn about the whole state of Michigan

    6. Never let anyone forget that A Christmas Story is YOUR Christmas Movie

    7. Someday you'll get used to people asking if you live on or near a farm

    8. It doesn't matter if you are from a small surrounding suburb, you still tell people you are from Cleveland

    9. Don't be naïve and try to buy a dog from the Dog Pound

    10. Bash Cleveland as much as you want, but no one else is allowed to