This Is What Happens On Tinder When You Use Only "Titanic" Quotes

    You jump, I jump. Remember?

    Channeling the entire cast from "Titanic", I took to Tinder on a rainy Saturday night just for the lolz, and man, did Tinder deliver.

    Brian was hesitant from the beginning. And rightly so.

    Mike had a lot of questions.

    Ross + Rose 4ever.

    Mitchell thought I was a comedian. Funny, I don't remember Titanic being a comedy.

    And then there was Stefan, God bless his little heart.

    David was the only one to catch on. I considered proposing marriage, but then remembered my quest.

    Kyle assumed that English is not my first language.

    Christoforo made me channel my inner Fabrizio.

    Kevin wasn't interested at all in the fact that I could have potentially been paralyzed.

    And then came Jack. Who as fate would have it exceeded all of my experimental expectations.

    Hats off to Jack and Rose's romance pre-Tinder.