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When Did It Click For You That You Were The Poor Friend Or The Rich Friend?

That feeling when your friend asks the nicest restaurant you have ever been to and you say Olive Garden.

Once in awhile, I'll have a night terror that I'm back at university for the first time. Bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and learning for the first time that some kids actually have their whole tuition paid for by their parents.

As someone with oodles of student loan debt I'm still not entirely sure how I'm paying off, it got me thinking about all the other moments from college that made me realize I was the "poor friend" in my friend groups. Like when I asked my friend why everyone was wearing Panda Express logos, only for her to laugh out loud and tell me they were actually $1,000+ Canada Goose coats.

Panda Express logo and Canada Goose logo

Whether you grew up poor, wealthy, or somewhere in-between, you probably at some point realized you had much less, or much more, privilege than those around you.

Maybe you realized you were the poor friend when your friends asked you the nicest dinner you ever had, and you said Olive Garden with your whole chest. You were confused when your friends thought you were joking.

David from Schitt's Creek making a confused face

Or maybe you realized you were *actually* the rich friend after you called your family's lake house "a small cabin," only for your friends to correct you that a small cabin is not 4,700 square feet or worth $2.85 million.

House and Adirondack chairs overlooking Moosehead Lake in Maine

Or perhaps you realized you were the poor friend when you worked two minimum wage jobs every summer to help support your family's bills while your friends spent their summers vacationing and relaxing.

If you ever had a moment of realization like one of these, I wanna hear about it. In the comments below, let me know the moment that you realized you were much less, or much more, financially secure than your friends. If you want to remain anonymous, you can submit your story using this Google form.

Your experience may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!