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    Aliens Just Told Me The Truth

    Aliens Just Told Me The Truth

    Aliens had told me that all your theories about Universe are wrong. Universe is just made of tons and tons of wave-lengths putted in a box. These wave-lengths are no joke each of them takes around 100k years and very very much heavy brain to build. Each type of leaf of trees is a unique wave-length. They also said that they respect Albert Einstein very much he was a very big scientist. The equation of E=MC2 was really very very big and great. These wavelengths are also such equations where each is a unique and very big complicated equation. They also said that don’t talk this nonsense of wormhole and getting out of fake universe. Just talk what all work you have done we will just wait for 50–100 years and then will check every single piece of your progress and will kill you all like they killed martians if they found you sleeping and doing nothing useful instead of working and making big progress