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    Season 2 Of AMC's "Preacher" Looks Like WAY More Fun Than The First Season

    A supernatural preacher, a vampire, and a hit-woman go on a road trip --- stop me if you've heard this one.

    Comic book enthusiasts and The Walking Dead fans are sure to know about AMC's gritty comic book show Preacher, but its first season didn't pull in nearly as much attention as this darkly comedic and sinfully irreverent show deserve. Luckily, Season Two looks MUCH better.

    The first season was a slow introduction to Jesse Custer, a Texas preacher who becomes possessed by a supernatural deity named Genesis that gives him the ability to command others to do his bidding.

    Now with our first glimpse of Season Two, it looks like Jesse is finally going to start having some fun with his power.

    Fans of the comic know it mostly takes part on the road, so season one's static location was a bit sleepy. But finally, Jesse, his ex-girlfriend hit-woman Tulip O'Hare, and their drug-addicted vampire friend Cassidy are on a road trip to find God.

    And it looks like there will be WAY. MORE. ACTION.

    Cassidy and Jesse's friendship is a bit rocky at the moment, but Cassidy is always well-meaning and his vampirism makes for more hilarity than your typical glam-vamps already on TV. Looks like he'll be up to similar hijinks in the new episodes.

    More excitingly it looks like we'll be seeing Arseface again! The loveable, unfortunate-looking friend of Jesse's met with an unfair predicament when Jesse used his gift in anger last season. Glad to see he may not be totally screwed.

    The Saint of Killers, a Terminator-style gunslinger hunting down Jesse, also features prominently in the Season Two trailer so we're sure to get plenty of good shoot-outs and more info on this creepy heaven-sent murderer.

    But The Saint Of Killers isn't the only baddie from the comic books troubling Jesse. Finally, we have a look at Pip Torrens' season two character and though he's masked in shade, there's no denying the comic book's biggest baddie, Herr Starr, has arrived in television.

    With more and more elements from the books being introduced, the new season looks to be a lot more upbeat and comic-book-crazy, which is exactly the way we like our Preacher served.

    Check out the Season Two trailer yourself and tune-in to AMC June 25 and 26th for the first and second episodes of the new season.

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