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    7 Tiny Changes To Try Out This Week

    Small changes, big difference.

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    1. If you have 3 minutes: Buy this self-care kit.

    2. If you have 5 minutes: Write a note to yourself, reminding you of the good you have done.

    3. If you have 10 minutes: Try this interactive mindfullness book.

    4. If you have 15 minutes: Try tracking your triggers.

    5. If you have 20 minutes: Prepare a playlist for the future.

    6. If you have 30 minutes: Say no to an extra project and just rest.

    7. If you've got 30 seconds: Read this tweet.

    excuse me but are you aware of Lennu, the Finnish president's dog

    This is a weekly series! Got a self-care tip you’d like to suggest? Let me know in the comments or tweet me.