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    7 Small Changes To Try Out This Week

    Small change, big difference.

    1. If you have 3 minutes: Try these simple stretches.

    Facebook: video.php

    2. If you have 5 minutes: Flip your perspective.

    3. If you have 10 minutes: Watch this short video.

    View this video on YouTube

    I find it so inspiring, and brave, of Lara to be so open about her health problems. And it makes me happy to know that even if you have long-term health issues, there is a community online who are experiencing the same thing as you – you're not alone.

    4. If you have 15 minutes: Take pleasure in the achievements of others.

    tfw your friends are all doing so well and you support them and enjoy their achievements like they are your own

    The greatest thing I have learned is to be proud – not envious – of my friends. It is so wonderful to be able to feel happy for somebody else's successes, and to know they are feeling the same thing for you when you do well.

    5. If you have 20 minutes: Take things back to basics.

    6. If you have 30 minutes: Find what feels luxurious to you.

    7. If you have 30 seconds: Read this tweet.

    To the tune of Eleanor Rigby: Dog in a trenchcoat Getting promoted at work but then sheds his disguise Canine surprise

    This is a weekly series! Got a self-care tip you’d like to suggest? Let me know in the comments or tweet me.