Just Some Super 00s Photos Of Atomic Kitten That Will Give You Nostalgia Chills

    "What are you going to wear?" "A going-out top." – All of Atomic Kitten

    When Natasha and Jenny impressed Ronan Keating with their matching – but not too matching – going-out tops and skinny belts.

    When they stood in front of a car and it was slightly odd, but it was fine because their going-out tops and glam belts meant they could go to a party after.

    When they all stood on a surfboard and wore low-key beach-y going-out tops and material belts, like you'd buy in Newquay on a GCSE holiday.

    When Natasha forgot they were going for ~cozy vibes~ and wore a going-out top and jazzy scarf belt to perform on German TV, and the others were horrified.

    When it was Jenny's birthday and the girls let her wear the nicest top because that's what friends do.

    When Liz bucked tradition and decided to wear a rocker T-shirt with her skinny belt, which, in a way, is a going-out top for ~alternative girls~. So really, the going-out top won in the end.

    When they wore going-out ~shirts~ to a premiere because the sign of a strong personal aesthetic is that it can withstand adaptation.

    When they met Prince Charles and give him his very own going out top.