Mario Is Way Younger Than You Thought

    At least according to his creator.

    Mario's backstory is pretty simple — he's a middle-aged plumber who saves the world from dinosaurs.

    WELL, it turns out we had one big thing very wrong about Mario: his age.

    Mario is 24 or 25 years old!

    In a recent interview with Nintendo, Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto said Mario was created with no definitive features, EXCEPT the fact that he's about 24-25 years of age.

    Apparently, that mustache hides a youthful countenance.

    @mjmcmaster it's the moustache that makes him look older

    Considering the average age of gamers is about 31 years old, that makes many fans older than their childhood hero.

    Mario is a 24 year old. I'm older than Mario. I don't like this.

    Mama mia!

    BuzzFeed has reached out to Nintendo for comment.