"I Have Hot Soup For Your Toilet Parts", And 15 Other Genuinely Horrific Chat-Up DMs Women Have Actually Received

    What happened to "hello, how are you, my name is"...

    Recently, Reddit user u/bassistmuzikman asked the people of r/AskReddit, "Women of Reddit, what's the worst line someone has slid into your DMs with?" Here are some of the most-upvoted replies:

    1. "Hey girl, I'm gonna give you the ABCDs..."

    "A, cos you're Amazing

    B, cos you're Beautiful

    C, cos you're Confident

    and this D, cos you Deserve it." 


    2. "I have hot soup for your toilet parts."


    3. "He asked me if my birthday was on X date, and I said no. Then he said that that date was the birthday of his dead mom and he wanted to make sure I wasn’t her reincarnation."


    4. "I said I have zero upper body strength and arms like noodles. Dude DMed me like 'arms like noodles, huh? you're exactly my kind of girl!'"


    "In fairness he might have just wanted you to advertise for his used car dealership."


    5. "When I (a man) was younger, my favourite Tinder line was 'You're so hot if you ate bread you'd poop toast.'"


    6. "Do you like whales? why don't we go humpback at mine."


    7. "Can't decide if it's awful or great: he said 'Hey. Wanna see my favourite butt?' He was not asking me to share a photo of MY butt, or even offering a photo of his. Just his favourite butt."


    8. "He opened with 'How badly do you want to go on a date with me?' I didn’t know the guy at all and had no interest in dating him."


    9. "Hey baby my d*ck is like a Bengal tiger.”

    "Sir??? When I swiftly rejected him, he called me ugly and said he didn’t want me anyway."


    10. “Nice stomach."

    "It came across like they wanted to cut me up for parts and store me in a freezer." 


    11. "'One day I will have my child sliced from your womb.' Burned into my memory."


    12. "'Damn it's a $15 Uber to get across that forehead but I'd pay it.' That one hurt a little haha..."


    13. "On my old account someone DMed me saying 'Wow, you're gorgeous. I'd totally do graveyard rituals with you' or something along those lines. I blocked them immediately."


    14. "He insulted my sports video, saying he could do that better."


    15. "Can you burp loudly?"

    "One of the more memorable ones."


    16. "I'm not a dentist, but can I give you a filling?"


    Shout out to u/bassistmuzikman and r/AskReddit for having this discussion.

    Do you have any similar examples? Let us know in the comments below!