People Who Go Into Other People's Homes For Work Are Sharing The Wildest Things They've Seen, And Frankly, I'm Flabbergasted

    "The bedroom door was closed and the owner said, 'it’s the bee’s room now.'"

    Recently, Reddit user u/pete6531 asked the people of r/AskReddit, "People who go to others homes for work what is the weirdest thing you have seen?" Here are some of the most-upvoted responses:

    1. "A large bee hive in a bedroom. It was inside the home and on the outside. The bedroom door was closed and the owner said, 'it’s the bee’s room now.'"

    Numerous honeybees working on yellow honeycomb; an example of nature's intricate patterns

    2. "EMS here. I once responded to a local physician’s home. There were jars of piss EVERYWHERE."

    Lab technician in gloves holding a container of urine for analysis

    3. "Electrician here. I was wiring a new room when I stumbled upon a secret door. Behind it? A small, fully decked-out disco room — mirror ball, neon lights, the works, all crammed into a space no bigger than a closet."

    Disco ball with light rays emanating, creating a party atmosphere

    4. "I used to do on-site tech support for an internet service provider. Both of my instances involved animals. One was a goat that was a 'house pet' and chewed up the hem of my pants as I worked."

    Close-up of a goat facing the camera with a slight head tilt, in a fenced area with greenery

    5. "I used to deliver furniture in college. Someone had us deliver a bunk bed to their basement… sex dungeon."

    An ornate bedroom with a large bed, decorative metalwork, and plush seating

    6. "I went to a house to evaluate it for residential solar. A very nice lady said, 'want to see my grow chamber?' It was a very professional setup with a small amount of marijuana plants. She was going to expand."

    Indoor cannabis plants at various growth stages in a home setup

    7. "A 15-foot wide, 10-foot high nude oil painting."

    Person hanging a picture frame in a room with furniture and a large blue painting on the wall

    8. "A fully carpeted home, bathrooms included, with extra mats in front of every toilet, tub, sink, fridge, microwave, stove, couch, chair, cabinet etc. Carpets on carpets on carpets."

    Person standing next to a toilet with a fluffy pink cover and mat set

    9. "A pet raccoon, but it wasn't exactly a pet — more like a wild animal they forced to live with them. They even said as such."

    Raccoon peeking from a wooden ledge with a curious expression

    10. "I used to do construction sales and would be in a handful of houses every week. The weirdest for me was the number of preppers — we’re talking basements piled with emergency food in buckets, stockpiles of wood, and random supplies. At least one house a week would be like that. Still makes me look at people differently."

    An illuminated green door at the end of a dark, arch-shaped tunnel with benches on sides

    11. "I'm a window cleaner, it's a luxury service so most of our clients are fairly well off. I don't know if it is weird but people like to test us. I've seen a literal chest full of cash open on someone's bed. They knew we were coming, so it had to be intentional. I ignored it, but some might be tempted."

    Drawers with cash sticking out, suggesting hidden wealth or savings

    12. "A huge home with absolutely nothing in it except a small desk and computer, and a queen sized bed. Must have been a $900k-million-dollar home, and it had a Jaguar in the garage."

    Empty living room with hardwood floors, fireplace, and double doors. Staircase visible on the right

    13. "I work for a company that renovates apartments in between tenants. Walking into one of the homes in particular was like walking into a brick wall of stink."

    Woman sitting on bed holding her leg, appears to be in distress

    14. "I remember a locked bedroom containing wall-to-wall shelves and bins full of a large collection of dolls. Mainly the kind that they make horror movies about."

    Collection of vintage dolls displayed together

    15. "A jar full of bed bugs."

    Person with a hickey on their abdomen

    16. "I witnessed a cat using a toilet and flushing it."

    Two cats in separate bathrooms: one white cat on a toilet lid looking back, another cat poised atop a toilet seat

    17. "I cleaned in a house one time, couple in their 30s or 40s, lower middle class, nothing fancy. They had multiple framed, signed, gold/platinum albums by the band Train. No other bands, just, Train."

    Two characters from a film or show sitting together, one holding a book, in a casual setting

    Shout out to u/pete6531 and r/AskReddit for having this discussion.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.    

    Do you have any, er, interesting examples to add? Let us know in the comments below!