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We Want To Know About Books So Terrifying, Sad, And Enraging You Had To Put Them Down

Looking at you, 1984.

Look, I love reading as much as the next person. But sometimes even my favourite novels get a bit... much.

Side-by-side images of Belle from Beauty and the Beast reading a book with expressions of distraction and polite refusal

So, we want to know if you've had something similar. Maybe you got so sad at a character's unexpected death that you had to close your book...

Young girl in a forest, looking cautious with finger raised to lips gesturing silence

...perhaps you couldn't keep reading after a frankly infuriating plot hole...

Angry cartoon cat character tears a book apart

...or maybe your heebies got jeebied too hard by a terrifying chapter.

Creature with elaborate frills around its head, wide-open mouth, and surprised expression

Whatever it is, we want to hear about the times a book got so sad, infuriating, or scary, you HAD to stop reading! Let us know in the comments below and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post or video.