People Are Sharing Products They Suspect Were Prooobably Designed By Men, And I'm Nodding So Hard I Cricked My Neck

    BAN those triangular sports bra inserts...

    Recently, Reddit user u/LuinAelin asked the people of r/AskReddit which products that are typically marketed towards women are so badly designed, they might just have been made by people who have never been one. Here are some of the most-upvoted replies:

    Of course, the products included in this post are usually marketed towards women, but they aren't the only people they're suitable for — and poor design doesn't always mean a man's hand is to blame. 

    1. "Weren’t there some guys on Shark Tank or something like it that made gloves for people to use to change their menstrual products? They were single-use and pink or something?"

    Left: Person sitting, examining a pink object. Right: Two people standing by an ice sculpture with logo "Pinku"

    2. "There was another [American] guy who tried to invent some kind of vagina glue so people could get up in the morning and glue their lips shut instead of worrying about menstrual products at all!"

    Worker in hard hat using a caulking gun on a vertical surface

    3. "Button-down shirts that don't account for breasts — and if you CAN button it all the way up you have these huge gaps and stretching between the buttons."

    Tailor adjusting a mannequin's striped shirt collar

    4. "Sports bras and their removable pads."

    Sports bra on a hanger next to various bra cup inserts on a quilted background

    5. "Every single gynecological procedure and the lack of pain meds given for it."

    Medical professional holding a packaged sterile medical instrument

    6. "PPE. Unisex fit my ass."

    Person tying the back of a surgical gown in a hospital setting

    7. "Someone PLEASE put more belt loops on my work pants! Oh, and NORMAL pockets, please and thank you."

    Woman in business casual attire with tablet looking to the side, standing indoors near a cabinet

    8. "Most shoes marketed towards women are shaped to be long, thin, and pointy. My feet are not long, thin, and pointy, they are foot-shaped, and shoe shopping is ass."

    Barefoot person amid various shoes, reaching for one on the floor

    9. "Razors. I just buy the marketed-to-men version if I wanna use a razor..."

    Person shaving legs with a pink razor

    10. "Car seat belts. Mine slips up all the time, and I have it on the lowest setting. I am 5'4" tall. So uncomfortable."

    Person fastening a seatbelt in a vehicle

    11. "Okay, this is niche, but I hate it whenever I go to sit at a bar and there are no hooks under the bar. Double points if the stools don't have a back where I can loop my purse/coat over the seat back, and I am stuck piling my purse and/or coat in my lap. Same for public restrooms — pleaseee put a hook on the door so I'm not precariously balancing my purse on my lap or worse on the floor."

    Public restroom with a line of sinks and mirrors

    12. "Lots of public toilet cubicles — never enough room for sanitary bins."

    Person's feet in sneakers standing inside an airplane lavatory

    13. "I had a baby and we used bottles to administer formula. The numbers and measurement indicator lines were in white. WHITE."

    A person wearing an apron holds a baby in the background, with a focus on a baby bottle in the foreground

    14. "Hiking backpacks with a breast strap."

    Man with beard smiling, wearing backpack, outdoors in a forest setting

    15. "So this is pretty niche, but I'm a fencer and the chest protectors that people with breasts are required to wear are shaped like Barbie's boobs. I wrote a whole article about it which went absolutely viral in fencing spaces. We're working on a redesign but it's very hard to engineer something that works for all people and doesn't cost three times more."

    Two fencers in protective gear engaged in a match indoors

    16. "Tampons, considering they didn't think to test them with actual blood until last year."

    Person holding several tampons in hand

    17. "Tampons in a cardboard applicator."

    Two tampons on a wooden surface

    18. "Leggings [or jeans] with a seam in the crotch."

    Close-up of a pair of denim jeans with button and pockets visible

    Shout out to u/LuinAelin and r/AskReddit for having this discussion.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.    

    Can you think of any other examples? Let us know in the comments below!