24 Things To Buy On Etsy If You're Morbid As Hell

    The macabre isn't just for Halloween, you know.

    1. Some beautifully crafted soap that will surely cast a solemn atmosphere upon your bathroom:

    2. A mourning necklace with braided hair inside, so you can live your life like a true Victorian:

    3. A cameo ring featuring a meticulously-crafted miniature of a raven's skull:

    4. A terrifying hand that you'll surely be proud to wear on your lapel:

    5. A "Book of Spells" pouch in which to carry your most sacred items:

    6. A set of enamel pins that are perfect for even the happiest of occasions:

    7. A superbly strange tooth on a gold chain:

    8. A haunting mixed-media piece to hang in your lair:

    9. This "creepy, somber children's rhyme book," as described by a reviewer, will most likely fit into your own collection just fine:

    10. An actual mourning fan from the 1800s that won't cost you a fortune:

    11. This sullen notebook with a Victorian mourning card as its cover...

    12. ...and Edgar Allen Poe-inspired pencils with which to write in it:

    13. A very curious brooch that, well, "catches the eye":

    14. The most peculiar wall hanging you've probably ever seen:

    15. A frightening picture book about a woman investigating her own death:

    16. A stylish choker, complete with a doll hand to clutch at your throat when you wear it:

    17. A casual sweatshirt, if you call the stages of decomposition "casual":

    18. A mourning rosette to pin on your clothes:

    19. A coffin-shaped box for your treasures, diligently guarded by a muskrat skull:

    20. A Ouija candle so beautiful, you may never want to burn it:

    21. This iron-on patch depicting a cat coven's midnight ritual:

    22. A candle that'll finally answer the question, "What do skeletal remains smell like?"

    23. A blood bag of body wash that'll make you want to reenact Psycho every time you shower:

    24. And finally, these sweet little golden earrings made from coyote toes: