25 Houseplants That Will Inspire Your Trip To Home Depot's Gardening Section

    You're probably going to want to run to the garden store right after this.

    1. This combination of mini-jungle and workspace that even a pet can enjoy.

    2. This layered hanging display in old-school macrame.

    3. This delightful grouping of air plants.

    4. This tableau of climbing ivy, lipstick plant, and angel wing begonia.

    5. This Monstera that will give any room extra character.

    6. These gorgeous mounted staghorn ferns bringing home decor to a new level.

    7. This petite string of pearls plant and spider plant adorned with glassware.

    8. This friendly fiddle-leaf fig.

    9. This fashionable display with pops of bright color.

    10. These warm-weather plants nestled inside a greenhouse.

    11. This adorable fishbone cactus.

    12. This spiderweb begonia on old-fashioned enamelware.

    13. This Monstera deliciosa and Ficus bringing an earthy vibe to a bedroom.

    14. This colorful prayer plant.

    15. This areca palm taking in afternoon rays.

    16. This satin pothos draped over a credenza.

    17. This rubber plant accentuating natural furniture.

    18. This prickly pear cactus grouped with pieces of cactus decor.

    19. This clique of splattered Monsteras.

    20. This burro's tail reaching toward a Moses-in-a-cradle.

    21. This chain-of-hearts spilling down its tall stand.

    22. This eccentric Philodendron xanadu.

    23. This pothos perfectly nestled in its basket.

    24. This lush spider plant sprouting a family of plantlets.

    25. This well-tended corner window collection perfect for reading a book.