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10 Dads Who Are Totally Winning At This Whole Fatherhood Thing

These dads got it down. Check out some of the coolest on A&E's Modern Dads, premiering Wednesday, August 21st at 10:30/9:30c.

1. This dad caught a foul while parenting:

2. This dad who schooled his son in skateboarding:

Marcus Johns / Via

3. This dad who taught his girls how to get noticed by jumbotrons:

4. And this one who raised the perfect 'Lil Vader:

5. This dad who stopped his daughter's twerking curiosity before it was too late:

Bottlerocket / Via

6. Stroller + Skateboard = another brilliant "DADGET"


8. This dad who taught his son how to exfoliate LIKE A MAN!

9. This dad who is just as good at building excitement as he is at trolling:

Josh Darnit / Via

10. This dad who showed his kid how to be a Transformer: