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15 Ways To Stay Motivated During Quarantine

Quarantine has been tough, but you can do it!

In partnership with Adobe Creative Cloud, we invited 10 Gen Z creatives to tell their stories on BuzzFeed. Check out Make The Feed for more content from Generation Create.

1. Create a daily checklist

Drawing of a checklist

2. Map out your future goals

Mapping out your goals can be the first step to achieving your dreams. When you have a set plan, things are much easier to accomplish in the future, and it keeps you motivated to grind now.

3. Pick up a new skill

Have you always wanted to try watercolor painting, or maybe you thought learning to play the guitar would be cool? Now is the time to do it! Sometimes all we need is a new experience to find our true motivation.

4. Pick up a novel

Drawing of a person reading a book called "Ways To Be Great"

5. Exercise your mind and body

One of the best ways to keep your motivation going is by pushing yourself while working out to remember exactly what you're capable of.

6. Reorganize your environment

Sometimes a new, cleaner environment is exactly what you need to give yourself a change in perspective.

7. Turn yourself into a chef

Drawing of a chef saying "bon appetit!"

8. Take steps to tackle your procrastination

It can be easy to run away from the things that stress you out, but you must handle them eventually. When you notice yourself putting off your responsibilities, remind yourself that the sooner you finish them, the sooner you can relax.

9. Keep an open mind

Quarantine can be tough, but one key to maintaining motivation during hard times is remembering to stay positive. A positive thinker sees the invisible — finding motivation and opportunities where others might not.

10. Give yourself time to clear your head

Drawing of a man sitting and trying to focus

11. Tune into inspiration figures

Films and motivational icons that touch our spirit remind us of the bigger picture overall. They tell us the things we need to hear and can be the push that gets the ball rolling again.

12. Don't forget to let yourself have fun

It's important to give yourself breaks from the things that are stressing you out. Indulging in something fun can help you regain your momentum in the long-run.

13. Check in on the people you care about

14. Experience new environments

Quarantine doesn't mean you can't still have new experiences and see new places. Get some fresh air or go on a walk somewhere you've never been before. New surroundings can help create new ideas and motivation for the things you're stuck on.

15. And finally, work on improving your time management

Time management is a work in progress for many of us, but your days will be much more productive when you're not wasting time. Pick up that new skill, finish that assignment, and push yourself to keep going. This is a life skill that will come in handy in the days to come, and you'll definitely be thanking yourself later.