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14 Of The Most Clever Brand Tweets From 2013

Sometimes 140 characters can speak volumes. As we prep for the 2014 Big Game, let's take a look at last year's most memorable brand tweets.

1. First of all, there was the Big Game — Oreo won:

Via Twitter: @Oreo

2. In second place was Tide:

Via Twitter: @tide

3. Lots of other brands hopped on the bandwagon...

Via Twitter: @Audi

4. Buffalo Wild Wings showed their passion for football:

Via Twitter: @BWWings

5. Walgreens offered a solution to the darkness:

Via Twitter: @Walgreens

6. PBS opted for a channel change:

Via Twitter: @PBS

7. And Budweiser posted the extended version of their commercial:

Via Twitter: @Budweiser

A few other things happened last year...

8. Nokia got cheeky:

Via Twitter: @nokia_uk

9. We all shed a tear for #GoodbyeBreakingBad:

Via Twitter: @BreakingBad_AMC

10. The Lakers took to Twitter to break some big news:

Via Twitter: @Lakers

11. McDonald's Corp. saluted an unsung hero:

Via Twitter: @McDonaldsCorp

12. TIME announced their Person of the Year:

Via Twitter: @TIME

13. U.S. Soccer responded to the late goal that saved Mexico's World Cup dreams:

Via Twitter: @ussoccer

14. And finally, Taco Bell got deep:

Via Twitter: @TacoBell

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