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    Super Easy Ways To Handle Your Extra Cannabis

    Making the decision to handle your extra cannabis can be a challenge.

    Making the decision to handle your extra cannabis can be a challenge. Trust me, not too many cannabis users enjoys the feeling of being "too high".

    An overdose occurs when trying to eat the herb and there is a high chance you eat more since it may take a while to digest. Which results in intoxication.

    You can also get intoxicated by mixing cannabis with other drugs like cocaine or crack. Whatever it is, the end result isn't always good.

    Its side effects may result in increase in heart rate, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, short term memory or forgetting you had to do something important only to remember right after getting "too high".

    This feelings are always uncomfortable and depressing.

    Cannabis consumption, in itself, is not life-threatening. But using too much of the drug can have hazardous results, which may increase the risk of death.

    For instance, someone who consumed a lot of cannabis may be unaware of his or her environment, which can lead to falls or accidents.

    However, you don't have to suffer for long. There are ways to taper the harmful effects of cannabis THC content – mind stimulating chemicals – in case of an overdose.

    #1. Calm down

    Most symptoms fade within minutes to hours without a serious lasting effect. As a matter of fact, there is currently no report of death from cannabis overdose.

    So, you don't need to panic, just relax. Let the symptoms pass. You can also find a serene environment to rest and if possible sleep.

    Relaxation techniques can also be used. Take deep breathes through the nose and release through the mouth.

    Also, crowds, bright lights, loud music, and noise can be very stimulating and cause a lot of agitation which may increase anxiety. So it is better to stay away from them.

    #2. Hydrate and rehydrate yourself

    It is very important to take a lot of water after ingesting cannabis. Juice or beverage can also be taken if preferred. Fruits with high water content especially lemonade with lemon peel can be very effective.

    It is however not advisable to take alcohol, as this is causes dehydration and increases THC blood concentration, forfeiting the essence of hydration.

    #3. Take black pepper magic

    Black pepper has been known to solve symptoms of paranoia and anxiety. This is as a result of its beta-caryophyllene content which is an essential oil in black pepper.

    Black pepper is not hard to find. It’s a house hold ingredient and it is not that expensive. However, it can also lower blood sugar level. It is therefore advisable that patients with diabetes should be cautious of black pepper.

    #4. Go for a walk

    Walking it off always go a long way in relieving anxiety. This will help to improve blood supply and circulation. It is however better not to go too far away or in crowded areas.

    Do not go for a walk if you feel woozy or lightheaded to stand talk less of walk. If that happens, it will be better to lie down and rest a little.

    #5. Distraction

    Activities that help to take the mind off your present state is always welcome. Seating in a dark room, watching a movie, playing games, eating, singing and dancing are all important in keeping the mind busy on things other than the intoxication.

    Eating delicious and spicy food is also very good in dealing with the extra cannabis in your system.

    #6. Take certain critical actions

    Avoid the people, places, and play things that might trigger your excessive use of cannabis. These can be achieved by gradually decreasing the frequency at which you interact with these things.

    If you find yourself in a risky environment, be prepared to respond assertively. Don’t make excuses and be willing to leave immediately if necessary

    Finally, the best way to deal with the extra cannabis is to avoid them. Monitor the dosage you take. When eating the herb, find the appropriate amount that you need.

    This is why cautious experimentation of the ideal amount needed by each individual is necessary.