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    Innovation: 3 Keys To Successful Direct Investments

    Direct investments are indeed a profit motive approach to acquiring private equity and ensuring maximum ROI. It is certainly much more in-depth than just risking capital to invest in a business and hoping for the best. To Baroness Stephanie de Sarachaga direct investment and business acquisition is an art form. What makes her stand out from most investors is her broader based impact-driven approach to ROI. To craft business deals with an infusion of both art and science. She has an incredible ability to look at companies as if they were works of art placed proudly in a gallery. With the same eye for detail and aesthetics as a museum curator, she's able to deeply analyse the technical aspects of a business whilst identifying the main driving component of a company that makes it a potential success. With a penchant for stewardship and social return on investment, she has positively impacted communities and has consistently made smart successful business deals and partnerships. A legacy that her noble ancestors would certainly be proud of. With her family run company Sarachaga et Compagnie, Stephanie invests directly in innovation and social responsibility. She has decades of experience under her belt and has even branched into direct investment advisory and M&A strategy. In this article, she shares her deep wisdom on the three often overlooked keys to successful direct investments.

    1. Don't Be Afraid to be Active

    2. Clear Communication and Expectations

    3. Research The Company Thoroughly (Including a Feel for the People)