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    SPRING BREAK! Me Vs Social Media

    How spring break is portrayed on social media/hopes versus real life


    Are you guys ready to go out on vacation?

    Or are you going to stay home?

    This is an article about how things are portrayed on social media of having a nice break and going outside with friends compared to people who don't go out much during breaks or have that ideal break.

    1. Cooking

    How do people make food look like perfect art?

    Social Media:


    2. Beach Photos

    You either get that perfect photo in the sand or you find sand....everywhere...

    Social Media:


    3. Sleep

    We all know that waking up perfect isn't always a thing.

    Social Media:


    4. Outfits

    When perfect outfits flood your feed but the weather is inconsistent and totally not hot enough.

    Social Media


    5. Plans

    Social Media:


    6. Hangouts with Friends

    Why can't the breaks all be timed the same?

    Social Media


    7. Spring Romance

    Spring is a time for blossoming romances...well...not for everyone...

    Social Media


    Well, whatever way you like to spend your spring, DO IT! Live your life and have a great day!