15 Episodes Of "New Girl" That Make Me Laugh Every. Single. Time.

    "I accidentally saw Nick's pee-pee and his bubbles. But it's not a big deal. Ain't no thing. Ain't no thaaang."

    1. "Naked" (Season 1, Episode 4)

    Nick and his date in a state of half dress freaking out and pulling their clothes back on

    2. "Injured" (Season 1, Episode 15)

    Nick laying on the ground saying go far from me right now i can taste my spine

    3. "Secrets" (Season 1, Episode 19)

    jess sitting at a table having an intense discussion with cece and schmidt

    4. "Katie" (Season 2, Episode 2)

    jess standing in a robe with her arms out

    5. "Menzies" (Season 2, Episode 7)

    Jess saying I feel like I want to murder someone and also I want soft pretzels

    6. "The Cabin" (Season 2, Episode 12)

    i like dogs more than cats i like chipmunks more than squirrels i believe in UFOs i once had a bass teacher when i was younger who did the standing bass and he had a very weird smell and i still think about him his name was mr hilton

    7. "Pepperwood" (Season 2, Episode 14)

    jess saying hey and nick saying alright honey i'll take em off who that's a whole different lens to see that blue dress

    8. "Cooler" (Season 2, Episode 15)

    nick in a trench quote saying when i wear it i feel hot to trot

    9. "Table 34" (Season 2, Episode 16)

    Schmidt saying i will cal-cut-a bitch up in here

    10. "Virgins" (Season 2, Episode 23)

    College schmidt saying if i pee while it's happening will she die?

    11. "Elaine's Big Day" (Season 2, Episode 25)

    12. "Background Check" (Season 4, Episode 6)

    jess saying wait sergeant my name is jessica day and this is my meth

    13. "Walk of Shame" (Season 4, Episode 18)

    cece saying we need to go walk of shame let's make a move

    14. "Road Trip" (Season 5, Episode 17)

    15. "A Chill Day In" (Season 5, Episode 18)

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