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    Reasons Why I'm Still Going To Finish Watching 13 Reasons Why

    It's definitely not a How-To-Guide on dealing with suicide.

    1. It's not a How-To-Guide

    2. 13 Reasons Why highlights why our actions and how we treat others matters

    The show really brings to light how all the things that happened to Hannah affected her. Characters say she over reacted or faced nothing other teenage girls did, but we see that these things have impact. We are responsible for our actions and we have to accept that. Even if they seem small, they can have consequences.

    3. The people Hannah left behind

    4. It's a wake up call

    5. It starts the conversation

    6. Our experiences are our own

    No two people experience the same thing in the same way. We all have totally different life experiences, it's just not possible. I think 13 Reasons Why doesn't address mental health head on because we're not actually in Hannah's head experiencing her life. We're experiencing the narrative she left behind. We know what she tells us, but we cannot define her feelings or her situation. Someone telling you they're depressed is wildly different than you up and deciding they are and forcing it like a label upon them.

    7. 13 Reasons Why is unrealistic but also not

    This show really feeds into that human desire to understand other peoples' actions. Death from suicide can be hard for people to accept if they don't know why. Did you not love them enough? Did something happen to them? What were they feeling? We crave to know these things but it'd be a million times better to ask these questions while that person is still with you.

    In conclusion, it's just a show.