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    Why To Use An Air Purifier Plants

    Have you had to leave a party or your dinner guests due to an attack of asthma or an allergic reaction to allergens floating in the air? Not only is it embarrassing and stressful, depending on the cause of the reaction you may need medication to quell the symptoms in continuation as well.

    Do you live in a small apartment block and the cooking odors like curry and spice fragrance or onion odors, from your neighbors, are stubborn and difficult to remove?

    •Are you worried of the lingering smell of the cigarette smoke? Passive cigarette smoke inhalation has been scientifically proven to cause lung cancer in non-smokers. As a result, it is important to have an adequate air cleaning system to eliminate lingering smoke.

    •Do you love your pets but not the odors that they carry? Pets share our homes every day and bring with them pet odors, urine stains, and skin dander. For family members who have allergies, these odors can be upsetting and cause respiratory distress, which may result in a visit to the hospital with expensive and prolonged treatment.

    •Airborne flu virus particles move from person to person through sneezing and coughing and failure to wash hands afterward. Worried for a bacterial infection?

    It’s no surprise that we spend majority of our times indoors, (except the sales warriors), be it at home or in office. And it’s very important for our health to make sure that we all are inhaling high standard air. But in this era of excess pollution and population, it is a herculean task to have anything fresh, without any contamination. Keeping the moto of “Health is Wealth” in prime consideration, top marketing firms have introduced a product like Air Purifier, for indoor air purification. An air purifier or air cleaner is a device which removes contaminants from the air in a room. These devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing or eliminating second-hand tobacco smoke.

    I will try to give you a better and less costly way to do that. As such, the important issue here is to improve the air quality, something that regular houseplants can help achieve easily and at a cheaper cost. Consider placing some leafy greens onto a coffee table or shelf. It is a great way to add some texture and breathe a little life into a room. But that's not the only reason to keep them around; as it turns out, they just might breath a little life into you, as well. Back in 1989, concerned by the air pollution caused by an ever-more industrialized society, NASA (yes, the one with actual rocket scientists) conducted a Clean Air Study in association with the Associated landscape Contractors of America, in an effort to find the most effective common indoor plants for filtering harmful toxins and pollutants from the air. They hoped the research might help mitigate the chemicals modern synthetic building materials and furniture can "off-gas" into the air, but they were also looking for ways to maintain air quality inside potential space stations. Their results have stood the test of time, and the most effective air filtering plants can be found below.

    Before any further discussions it’s important for us to know the harmful elements present in the closed environment and their adverse effects on us, humans. You all will be surprised to know the things we are exposed to containing these harmful elements. These elements are:

    •Trichloroethylene: This is majorly found in printing ink, paints, varnishes, adhesives and paint remover/stripper. The symptoms associated with the short term exposure include dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting followed by drowsiness and coma, if exposed for a longer duration.

    •Formaldehyde: Found in paper bags, waxed papers, facial tissues, paper towels, table napkins, particle boards, plywood paneling and synthetic fabrics. The symptoms associated with the short term exposure includes irritation in nose, mouth and throat and in severe cases swelling of the larynx and lungs.

    •Benzene: This is used to make plastics, synthetic fibres, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergent, drugs and pesticides. It can also be found in tobacco smoke , glue paints and furniture wax. The symptoms associated with the short term exposure to this are irritation to eyes, drowsiness, dizziness, increase in heart rate, headaches and sometimes unconsciousness.

    •Xylene: Found in printing rubber, leather and paint industries, tobacco smoke and vehicle exhausts. The symptoms include irritation to mouth and throat, dizziness, headache, heart problems, liver and kidney damage and coma.

    •Ammonia: Found in window cleaners, floor waxes, smelling salts and fertilizers. The symptoms includes eye irritation, coughing and sore throat.

    As you can see, we all are so much exposed to impurities in the air we are inhaling. It’s imperative for all of us to be attentive and pro active in preventing ourselves from these slow poisonous impurities. The best and easiest way to do that is purifying the air we breathe. Apart from the different air purifiers available in the market, there are several air purifying plants also, which are really good in serving the purpose. So the top 12 Air purifier plants approved by NASA are:

    1.Plants which are good purifiers for Formaldehyde and Xylene: Dwarf Date Palm, Boston Fern, Spider Plant, Bamboo palm, Weeping Fig.

    2.Plants which are absorber for Formaldehyde and Benzene in air: Chinese Evergreen

    3.Indoor plants that are good for the absorption of all the impurities in air: Peace Lily, Florist’s Chrysanthemum.

    4.Air purifier plants for the absorption of Formaldehyde, Xylene, Benzene and Trichloroethylene: Red Edged Dracaena, English Ivy, Varigated Snake Plant.

    5.Plants which are purifiers for Formaldehyde, Xylene, Ammonia: Flamingo Lily, Broadleaf Lady Palm.

    So Consider NASA's picks next time you're shopping for a container garden. Some of them, like the Chinese evergreen, are even hard to kill, so you don't need a green thumb to reap the benefits. These plants will easily absorb the unnecessary element present in the air. As you have read above, there are certain non avoidable harmful impurities present in our surroundings. Thus, air purifier is a must these days for our home and well being. So have lots of plants for your home and surrounding, for a better and healthy future.