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    13 Things You'll Only Know If You Were A Cub Scout

    Cup Camp was always in tents (geddit?)

    1. Conkers keep spiders out of your tent

    2. It's almost impossible to light a fire with two sticks (unless one of them is a match)

    3. It's possible to exist on nothing but tomato soup, custard creams and s'mores for an entire week on camp

    4. You were more likely to do what your Sixer told you than your mum or dad

    5. Rolling a neckerchief was much easier than tying your school tie

    6. On Cub camp, two hours sleep was the norm

    7. A left-handed handshake meant you were part of the family

    8. Saying the words 'fluffy bunny' with five marshmallows in your mouth (and still being understood) was a true art form

    9. On camp, a Pot Noodle is a good starter. Two Pot Noodles is a main course.

    10. An elastic band worked a treat if you lost your woggle.

    11. You secretly yearned for the day your badges spilled over from your arm to your chest #goals

    12. BP was a man, not an international oil and gas company

    13. You knew your fellow Cubs always had your back