This Guy Had The Police Pull Him Over So He Could Propose To His Girlfriend

    Exactly two years earlier he got pulled over in the same spot on their first date.

    The Royal Oak Police Department in Michigan posted this dashcam video of a guy getting pulled over only to propose to his unsuspecting girlfriend.

    View this video on YouTube / Via

    Two years ago in this exact spot, Trevor Ross was pulled over while on a first date with Ashley.

    BuzzFeed spoke to the police department, who told us that Trevor arranged for them to pull him over again two years later, to the day.

    Trevor staged the event so the police would pat him down and find the ring in his pocket...

    Ashley, who couldn't believe they were being pulled over again in the same spot, was then asked to step out of the car and identify the object Trevor had in his pocket.

    Immediately, she figured out what was happening, and couldn't help but call out Trevor for scaring her like that!

    Ashley proceeded to have a laughing/crying fit...

    Until Trevor got down on one knee and proposed!

    Congrats, you two!