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15 Things That Will Only Make Sense If You're A Second Generation Latina Mom

Your family pops in…for long periods of time.

1. When you shout out things in Spanish at your kids that you would never say in English. "¡Cállate!"

2. Even though your parents didn’t teach you Spanish, your children must be bilingual.

3. And even if you don't speak Spanish, it doesn't make you any less of a Latina mom.

4. Having to stop yourself from punching someone when they ask if you or your mom is the nanny.

5. When your "traditional" Latina mom makes fun of you for setting up "playdates."

6. As a kid you longed for "white people food," but now that you're a mom, all you want to do is cook your abuelita's dishes for your kids.

7. Your parents will always complain about how easy you have it.

8. When you pass on your tia's superstitions to your kids even if you don't know what they mean.

9. You hate that your mom was right when she tried to make you eat hot sauce and vowed that one day you would like it.

10. When your medicine cabinet has Vicks AND organic homeopathic remedies.

11. You threaten your kids with la chancla.

12. Your family pops in…for long periods of time.

13. You sing Las Mañanitas at every birthday before cake even though you hated how long it was as a kid.

14. When you're an exhausted new mom, but dress yourself like you may run into your abuela.

15. Even though you were called a Gordita as a kid you (and it really bothered you!!), you still try to fix your child's every ailment with food.

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