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    Not The Same Energy: Racist Cries In Mugshot Smh

    Cry tears of regret for what you believe in.

    Omg that's illegal?!?!

    Part three: Alexander Jennes Downing "The Drunk Savage"

    This guy couldn’t even wait until he got sentenced to employ the water-works. Alexander Jennes Downing (I love reporting on racists using their full name, yess!), 35, of Waterford Virginia launched an extremely obscene and xenophobic rant at a Muslim family at a beach on South Padre Island, Texas.

    The family recorded part of the man's rant, which lasted about 20 minutes via videophone.

    “This insane man came close to the kids, and that’s when my uncle stood up to him, and defended us and the kids, including my four year old cousin and two year old nephews,” Noria Alward, a member of the family who was present during the attack says.

    She also presented a video of Downing screaming curses at the family, and also mentioning Donald Trump.

    “Your Sharia law don’t mean shit to me,” and “Donald Trump will stop you, my country is the greatest country of them all” are among the nicer things that he yelled at the family, children included.

    The family attempted to call the police on Downing multiple times, with him avoiding them each time. He was eventually apprehended in a hotel restaurant, and charged with public intoxication.

    Downing can be seen crying in his mugshot. Why is he not proud to go to jail for what he believes in LOL?

    “Overall, we enjoyed the lovely island,” says Alward. “We illl definitely go back to South Padre again. We surely will never go back to South Padre Hotel in Texas again.

    It's so funny how racists can't keep that same energy that they have when they're being racist as when they're being accosted for it! They need to grow up.