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    My Life As A Nazi... A Grammar Nazi

    9 reasons that will explain why I am the way I am. Also, PSA: We're in college. "There," "they're," and "their" was like 10 years ago, bro. #grammarsnob

    1. You privately judge people's grammar all the time.

    2. Unless they are your friend, in which case you try to understand why you're friends with them.

    3. It drives you crazy when someone texts you with incorrect grammar.

    4. You don't reread your papers because you're entirely confident that you couldn't have made a mistake.

    5. However, you meticulously reread your social media posts thousands of times before actually posting.

    6. You realize that autocorrect is, in fact, the devil.

    7. When someone corrects you, you are confused as to whether you've met your soulmate or your worst enemy.

    8. When you do make a mistake, you're overwhelmed with shame.

    9. You love editing your friend's homework.

    Yes, I did proofread this article 342,321,043,985,549 times. If you find an error, comment on this post... then die.