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    My Top 20 Favorite TV Couples

    There are so many wonderful couples in my favorite shows but these ones are special. Read on to find out why. Fair warning though, there may be spoilers ahead.

    21. Twentieth Place: Jason Mendoza and Janet (The Good Place)

    Jason Mendoza from the good place is holding hands with and smiling at Janet.

    20. Nineteenth Place: Belle and Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon a Time)

    Rumplestiltskin and Belle are dancing.

    19. Eighteenth Place: Bobbi Morse and Hunter Lance (Agents of SHIELD)

    Bobbi and Hunter are standing side by side. Bobbi has her arms crossed. Hunter looks confused.

    18. Seventeenth Place: The Eleventh Doctor and River Song (Doctor Who)

    The Doctor looks at River Song while she smirks, amused.

    17. Sixteenth Place: Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak (Arrow)

    Felicity and Oliver stand side by side. She is smiling. He looks serious.

    16. Fifteenth Place: Amy Pond and Rory Williams (Doctor Who)

    15. Fourteenth Place: Henry Mills and Jacinda Vidrio (Once Upon a Time)

    A man and a woman in fairy tale clothes sitting on a motorcycle

    14. Thirteenth Place: Barry Allen and Iris West (The Flash)

    A man and a woman face the camera. The woman has her hand on the man's shoulder.

    13. Twelfth Place: Emma Swann and Neal Cassidy (Once Upon a Time)

    A man and a woman smile at each other. She touches his face with her hand

    12. Eleventh Place: John and Lyla Diggle (Arrow)

    11. Tenth Place: Hook and Emma (Once Upon a Time)

    10. Ninth Place: Mack and Elena Rodriguez/Yo-Yo (Agents of SHIELD)

    9. Eighth Place: Eleanor Shellstrop and Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place)

    8. Seventh Place: Regina Mills and Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time)

    7. Sixth Place: Melinda May and Phil Coulson (Agents of SHIELD)

    6. Fifth Place: Guinevere and Arthur (Merlin)

    5. Fourth Place: Snow White and Prince Charming (Once Upon a Time)

    4. Third Place: Fitz-Simmons (Agents of SHIELD)

    3. Second Place: Lorelei Gilmore and Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls)

    2. First Place: John and Mary Watson (Sherlock)

    1. BONUS! Edwin and Ana Jarvis (Agent Carter)