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    Can You Make Money Online?

    Depends. It takes time. How can you do it?

    1. Fiverr. Best place to start. It takes time to build your profile. You need to do something new to grow it fast. It took me about 6 months to make a steady amount on there and it wasn't enough to live off of.

    2. Upwork. It is also a place where you have to build your profile and you may have to work at prices you do not want until you get it going.

    3. Craigslist. Look at the gigs on there a lot of times you can get some quick writing jobs or other tasks, but make sure you don't fall for any scams.

    4. Word of mouth. Work hard and your regular customers will tell others about you and you'll get more jobs than you can handle. Be nice and punctual with your task. Don't act like you deserve the work. Be appreciative of it.

    5. People per hour. This one I'm not so sure about so far. I just started last week. They have a lot of qualifications and rules compared to any other freelance site, but I made a good amount the first week on there, if only I can withdraw it!