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    How A YouTuber Raised Over $300,000 To Help Trans Youth By Playing Video Games

    Now that the military ban has come into effect, it can seem like an especially scary time for the Trans members of the LGBTQ+ community. Here's a story that broke over the weekend to help us remember there are good Trans allies out there. This is for the Editorial Fellowship.

    Over the weekend, British Youtuber H.Bomberguy starting a Twitch stream to raise money for the UK Trans Charity, Mermaids

    here we go....HERE WE FREAKING GO

    @Hbomberguy / Via Twitter: @Hbomberguy

    He did this by streaming himself playing Donkey Kong 64 for 57 hours, getting other Youtubers, both members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies, to join in.

    It started partially in order "to spite" TV-writer Graham Linehan and his transphobic remarks.

    wow #thanksgraham for getting #mermaids trending and helping @Hbomberguy raise $100,000+ for @Mermaids_Gender

    @ContraPoints / Via Twitter: @ContraPoints

    But as his friends like Trans Youtuber ContraPoints points out, even negative attention brought more positive responses to the livestream, and more people got involved.

    He even got American Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez involved. Yes, really.

    Lemons into lemonade 🍋🤗

    @AOC / Via Twitter: @AOC

    This led to Mermaids' CEO being interviewed on the BBC, as they raised $340,000...over ten times the amount H.Bomber Guy had expected to raise.

    See Mermaids CEO Susie Green talking about the phenomenal livestream by @Hbomberguy which raised $340,000 for Mermaids on @BBCLookNorth tonight at 6.30pm or watch on catch up here ⤵️

    @Mermaids_Gender / Via Twitter: @Mermaids_Gender

    As he began to garner more media attention, H.BomberGuy even got the attention of the Scottish Parliament.

    @VoidBurger so my country's parliament @ScotParl put forth a motion to congratulate @Hbomberguy for his amazing stream and I cannot believe that "Donkey Kong 64" is in an actual parliamentary motion WHAT TIMELINE IS THIS??!?!

    There has been a lot of fun fan art...

    Our king of the jungle, botherer of beavers, and current resident of hell, @Hbomberguy #ThanksGraham @CaseyExplosion

    @rhineville / Via Twitter: @rhineville

    ...and basically this weekend has turned Donkey Kong into a Trans Rights Icon

    @Mermaids_Gender @Teeth_Gang @Hbomberguy

    @kubo_kubo / Via Twitter: @Mermaids_Gender

    But more importantly, at the end of the day, he drew attention to causes like Mermaids.

    I'm so glad when Susie got on the BBC they, unlike a lot of press outlets, didn't focus on AOC or me or Graham, and asked her what @Mermaids_Gender can do to help young people and gave her a chance to speak and be heard on the issue. Thank you.

    @Hbomberguy / Via Twitter: @Hbomberguy

    As a Bisexual Youtuber, he's done his best to advocate for other members of the LGBTQ+ community, and as he recognizes, sometimes that means giving them the platform instead.

    Sometimes help can come from the places we least expect it. So lastly, here's a tweet that links to six other trans organizations you can donate to.

    The trans military ban is so wrong and shameful. Grateful for all the transgender soldiers who continue to serve no matter what this corrupt administration says. Here's a list of trans resources you can donate to right now:

    @ShainaTaub / Via Twitter: @ShainaTaub