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    Reasons Why Hershey's Characters Should Be Associated With Feminism

    Let's take a look at some reasons why Hershey' characters should have ties to feminism, shall we?

    Feminism = Equality

    Speciesism and sexism are extremely similar

    Hershey's characters can become Social Justice Warriors, too

    They can challenge the inequalities they face by humans everyday

    They can know what rape culture is

    They aren't against the human race, they just want equality

    They should have a place in government

    They can tell if they are being raped

    They can't get exploited

    After you have looked through this list, you should fully understand why Hershey, Kiss, and Reese should have ties with feminism. All three of them deserve to have equality and rights like human beings do. They can even speak out in government as well. Feminism is the positive movement for women and men to have equality, and Hershey's characters and human should have equality too.