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    Are The Lives Of Us Teenagers Really Changingbecause Of Social Media?

    A lot of times parents talk about how everything is changing. Is it really?

    "Social media is ruining your life!" That is the standard parent perspective of anything bad. You get a bad grade, cut class, lie, cheat, sneak out, parents assume it deals with social media. Parents believe social media is influencing all of this. Even in articles, parents talk about how social media is destroying a child's future. But has anyone ever thought about the fact we live in the 21st century? Don't your parents ever wonder what other TEENAGERS have to say about this? We should get a say.

    It is hard sometimes. social media seems to be the first report as a punishment. Obviously parents don't understand streaks and stuff, and honestly, neither do I. But not all people are influenced by social media. In the ned, what a person did was on them, not social media. If someone was persuaded to do the wrong thing, it wasn't social media. It was the PERSON who texted on social media. I've made a ton of mistakes on social media. However, I learned from those mistakes. I have learned very well what to do and what not to do. Some of the most important things I have learned are from social media.

    Another thing I would like to mention is the fact that sometimes no social media an create social outcasts. It can make a person feel insecure. Sometimes, parents have to realize that even though kids do some pretty dumb things, it isn't because of the things they use. And parents have to understand a teenager's point of view: Students can't ask to not be bullied and stuff, it happens. And sometimes no matter how many times you tell your kid to love them for who you are, the sam thing doesn't work at school. After all, what's to lose with your kids communicating with others?

    Thank You!!!

    Thank you for reading my first ever article being published. This is totally anonymous, but please tell me what you think so I know what to write next time. Leave suggestions as well.

    Signing off,

    - Anonymous