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    10 Reasons Why You Should Vote Julius #1 For Welfare

    Julius is a final year journalism student at LCC. He is currently the Arts SU LGBTQ Officer (part time) and is running to be Welfare Officer. Here are 10 reasons you vote for him...

    1. Julius has the experience

    2. Julius' priority is mental health

    3. Julius knows the rent is too damn high!

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    Right now, some of the most exciting and successful campaigns have been around cutting the price of housing, especially through rent strikes. In UCL for example, campaigners using a mixture of strikes and a co-ordinated use of the complaints process won a freeze in rent for 2016/17, a price reduction for a number of rooms and compensation to students badly treated in 2015/16 academic year.

    The rent in London is too damn high - time we did something about it!

    4. Julius will campaign for hardship funds for all students (including EU and Non-EU international students)

    5. Julius will work with disabled students to improve accessibility across the colleges

    6. Julius will support liberation campaigns

    7. Julius will fight for free education and living grants

    8. In the meantime, Julius will fight to lower the cost of studying

    9. This cat thinks you should vote for Julius

    10. Basically, Julius is the best candidate for Welfare Officer