22 Adorable Animals That You Probably Didn't Even Know Existed

    I bet you're going to be dead by the end of this post because these animals are just too cute.

    1. Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel

    2. Dik-dik

    3. Sand Cats

    4. Tree Kangaroo

    5. Numbat

    6. White Nosed Coati

    7. African Wild Dog

    8. Sugar Glider

    9. Fennec Fox

    10. Patagonian Mara

    11. Stoat (Short-tailed Weasel)

    12. Pangolin

    13. Chacoan Peccary

    14. Eastern Pygmy Possum

    15. Antelope Squirrel

    16. Axolotl

    17. Pudu

    18. Gundi

    19. Elephant Shrew

    20. Golden Brushtail Possum

    21. Pygmy Goat

    22. And finally, the Long-Tailed Tit