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12 Messages We'd Probably Get If Our Cats Could Text

"Yes, I may be the world's most famous feline and the legendary 9Lives® spokescat, but I still step into my kitty litter box one leg at a time." --Morris. See the world through the charmingly choosy eyes of Morris the Cat at Cat's Eye View.

1. From a future member of the Audubon Society:

2. From the passive-aggressive roommate who never pitches in on rent:

3. From the children you never realized you'd have to separate:

4. From the kitten who doesn't care for your artwork:

5. From the egotistical-yet-appreciative feline who thinks all the world's his oyster:

6. From an eventual shadow puppeteer:

7. From the diva who needs her beauty rest:

8. From the guardian of the galaxy:

9. From the hungry, hungry tomcat who constantly has to apologize:

10. From the klutz who wishes he knew how to use glue:

11. From a daring contortionist:

12. And finally, from the codependent kitty who just loves you with all her heart:

"Wearable technology is ameowzing!" --Morris