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The "5th Wave" Trailer Has Us All Like (O.O)

It's coming. Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, The 5th Wave movie is hitting theaters everywhere in January 2016.

Here we have the Sullivan family, just heading out for another day.

But it's not just a normal day. There's a mysterious object in the sky.

Like, a really big mysterious object.

Which has us like:

Naturally, the military gets involved.

Look at them go — they got this.

Until the mysterious sky object knocks out Earth's power.

"NVM." —The military

And we're all like:

Massive earthquakes start happening.

Which causes literal waves.

And a disease is unleashed that kills off a bunch of the remaining survivors.

So we're like:

Turns out the Others can inhabit human form.

And now we're like:

They've also taken the youngest Sullivan.

So our protagonist, big sis Cassie, sets out to get him back.

And she's not messing around.

Which has us like:

On top of that, there are explosions.

There's action.

And there's romance.

'Cause nothing gets the hormones flowing more than post-apocalyptic scenarios, TBH.

And by the end of it all, we're just like:

Us running to the theater when The 5th Wave comes out:

All imagery courtesy of Columbia Pictures.

See what emotional waves hit you when you watch the trailer for The 5th Wave before it hits theaters in January 2016.

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