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12 Olivia Pope Quotes To Live By

Want to be more like Olivia Pope? Start by memorizing her best quotes, and then be sure to handle your allergies like a gladiator this spring with ZYRTEC®.

See full episodes of Scandal on WATCH ABC.

1. When you're browsing Tinder:

2. When your mother tells you that it's your grandmother's birthday on Wednesday, and you BETTER not forget about it:

3. When your roommate is trying to convince you that she didn't eat all your peanut butter:

4. When your co-workers are trying to get you to go out after work to vent about everyone in the office:

5. When you're supposed to have dinner with a friend, but they don't want to eat at any of the restaurants you suggest:

6. When someone thinks texts or emails are the same as pagers:

7. When you're trying to coordinate a time for UPS to deliver a package:

8. When you're trying to justify to yourself why it's still freezing outside in March:

9. When the new intern at work starts getting too comfortable:

10. When a friend is crashing at your place for a few days and they "think it would be fun" to throw a huge party:

11. When your dad asks you to help him set up a Spotify playlist:

12. When you are ready to be more than a booty call:

Now that spring is here, don’t get caught off guard and relieve your allergies with ZYRTEC®.

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See full episodes of Scandal on WATCH ABC.